Comercial Bages Textil 

Company established in Sant Fruitós de Bages since year 1981.

A familiar company, our trajectory has been always on the home textile sector.

What the market needs and our own business concerns have been constantly renovating and evolving the company product lines all this years.

We started as a raw material manufacturer, where we developed our capacity for working with several thread types and multiple fabric set-ups, with the objective of a final finish of great quality always in mind.

We slowly started to create our own collections of final products, in a great range of fabrics and colors, which we started to commercialize with a great market acceptance.

As today, we have all the production process, textile printing included, of home textile products. Likewise, we are able to produce almost any home and bed product, while being specialized in bed linen.

Family-owned company

Renovation & evolving

Quality finishing

If you have any question or doubt, get in touch with us for more info.